.. _installation: ============ Installation ============ There are a number of mehthods to install a copy of faps on your system which depend on your use-case. For the large majority of users the system installed faps should be sufficient. Only in the case that you need to modify the source or you need a different version you can obtain a personal copy. ------------ Requirements ------------ Faps requires Python 2.7 or 3.3+. Some older versions were compatible with Python 2.4, but support for older versions has now been dropped. If you need a version compatible with older Pythons, contact a developer. Some features require third party modules to function correctly. Most optional: - ``numpy`` : required for most numerical operations - ``sqlalchemy`` : (optional) reading and writing to the fapswitch database format - ``scipy`` : (optional) required for binding site location - ``flask`` : (optional) only needed for the web interface, with either one of ``gevent`` or ``tornado``. --------------------- System installed faps --------------------- Provided that faps is in your ``$PATH`` you can run the system installed version with the command :command:`faps`. If it is not in your path, you can either :command:`/use/path/to/faps.py` or make a symbolic link somewhere in your path :command:`ln -s /path/to/faps.py ~/bin/faps`. --------------- Mercurial clone --------------- The faps code has has been developed using the `mercurial `_ source control manager. If you have read access to the `bitbucket repository `_ the most current version can be checked out with the :command:`hg clone` command or downloaded as a :file:`.tar.gz`. You may also clone an existing repository that you have read access to. To keep your local copy up-to-date issue an :command:`hg pull` followed by an :command:`hg up`. Please see the mercurial manual for more details. .. warning:: Updating your copy will potentially overwrite modified files. Use the :file:`site.ini` file for any customisations as this wil not be overwritten. ======================== Setting up web interface ======================== The script :command:`web/fapweb.py` will run the web interface. To ensure that the jsmol rendering works you will need to add jsmol files to the static files of the web interface. The following commands unzip put the jsmol files into a directory ``web/static/jsmol/``. .. code-block:: console $ cd web/static $ curl -O -J -L http://sourceforge.net/projects/jmol/files/latest/download\?source\=files $ unzip Jmol-*.zip '*/jsmol.zip $ unzip Jmol*/jsmol.zip =========================================== Setting up executables and additional files =========================================== ----------- Executables ----------- In order to run calculations, faps needs access to the required computational chemistry executables. On wooki, the set of ``${PROG}submit-faps`` scripts will take care of deciding on the best executables. For other systems, the configuration flies must specify the full path or an executable that is in the user's ``$PATH``. These must corespond to the mode you will be running in; e.g. parallel compiles must be specified if the calculation will request more than one processor and threaded codes identified by the ``threaded`` option. Gamma-point only codes should not be used with k-point calculations. ---------------- Pseudopotentials ---------------- Pseudopotentials for ``vasp`` must follow the layout in which they are provided in the vasp download, i.e. ``${ELEMENT}${_SEMICORE}/POTCAR``. The vasp guide gives recommendations for the best pseudopotential and is used to automatically select the ones used in a calculation. The ``POTCAR`` will normally be deleted after a successful run to save space, add it to the ``compress_files`` list of you wish to keep it. Pseudopotentials for ``siesta`` must all be in a single directory and named ``${ELEMENT}.psf``. If the OS allows it, the files will be symlinked otherwise a copy is made. They are not deleted by default. --------------------------- Custom job types and guests --------------------------- Each user may have a dot_faps directory, ``${HOME}/.faps/``, to store ``.fap`` files for common custom job types that are accessed with the ``--job-type`` commandline option, and for a user maintained ``guests.lib`` with a library of common guests.