========= Changelog ========= ----------- Development ----------- ---------- 1.5 series ---------- * **New** Faps web interface! The fapweb.py starts a webserver that can be used to construct input files and submit jobs. * ABSL binding sites are optimied with CG instead of zero K MD. * Many ABSL tweaks and fixes. * Option to email results at the end of a job. * Properties run before the GCMC step. * Console output changed slightly to be less intense, but shows more information on options in ``-v`` verbose mode. * Some fixes for the gromacs UFF implementation. ---------- 1.4 series ---------- * **breaking change:** Atoms in the structure are no longer re-ordered when reading in the input files so that atom numbering is the same for input and output files. This will break ordering when using ``--import`` with previous runs. Since VASP doesn't label the POSCAR, this can lead to long lines in files that are fixed transparently, but may be missed by a user. * **breaking change:** VASP uses DFT-D3 by default instead of DFT-D2. * **breaking change:** new directory naming scheme for pressures below 0.1 bar, allows for higher resolution at low pressure. * GROMACS integrated as a force-field optimisation code (GULP is still the default) * ``.cif`` files with correct bonding informnation (for example, from Materials Studio can be automatically typed for force field optimisation (OpenBabel permitting). * Option to use the Peng-Robinson ``equation_of_state`` to calculate the fugacities of gasses on the fly. * Probability plots are turned off by default, must be explicitly turned on for processing binding sites. * ``Structure`` classes have a ``to_cif()`` method. * ``.cif`` files are generated for the final structure in the properties directory. * Use PLATON to generate a powder XRD pattern. * High energy and ``nan`` binding sites are pruned from the output. * ABSL runs DL_POLY jobs in serial through a single script. * MEPO_QEq parameters now accessible by name in ``qeq_parameters``. * ``egulp_parameters`` option removed, use ``qeq_parameters`` instead. * Add any custom options to a VASP calculation with ``vasp_custom_incar``. ----------------- previous versions ----------------- * See commits on bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/tdaff/automation/commits/all