Source code for cube


Read a cube file to an array for manipulation. Use the translational symmtry of
a supercell to average a cube file into a smaller subsection, eg the unit cell.
The number of grid points must be exactly divisible by the folding factors, FX

Modified version for faps, provides Cube object.


import bz2
import gzip
from glob import glob
from logging import info, debug, error

import numpy as np
from numpy import array, zeros, matrix
from numpy.linalg import norm

[docs]class Cube(object): """Container for a .cube file. Very specific for folding symmetry.""" def __init__(self, filename=None, fold=None, debug=False): # User defined params self.filename = filename self.fold = fold self.debug = debug # Attributes for internal use self.error = 0.0 self.header_block = [] self.natoms = 0 self.grid = [0, 0, 0] self.rgrid = [0, 0, 0] self.cell = np.eye(3) self.datapoints = np.array([]) # Do we initialise here? if self.filename is not None: self.read_file()
[docs] def read_file(self, filename=None, fold=None, trim_atoms=True, crop_atoms=False): """Read the gridded cubedata and fold""" if filename is not None: self.filename = filename if fold is not None: self.fold = fold elif self.fold is None: self.fold = (1, 1, 1) fold = self.fold try: cube_temp = compressed_open(self.filename) except IOError: # compressed open will throw an error if the file is not found # it may already be folded, so we can try this cube_temp = compressed_open(self.folded_name) fold = (1, 1, 1) self.fold = fold top_bit = cube_temp.readlines(1024) self.natoms = int(top_bit[2].split()[0]) self.grid[0] = abs(int(top_bit[3].split()[0])) self.grid[1] = abs(int(top_bit[4].split()[0])) self.grid[2] = abs(int(top_bit[5].split()[0])) # Abort if we can't divide evenly! if self.grid[0] % fold[0]: raise ValueError("Grid points in x, %i, " "not divisible by fold factor, %i" % (self.grid[0], fold[0])) elif self.grid[1] % fold[1]: raise ValueError("Grid points in y, %i, " "not divisible by fold factor, %i" % (self.grid[1], fold[1])) elif self.grid[2] % fold[2]: raise ValueError("Grid points in z, %i, " "not divisible by fold factor, %i" % (self.grid[2], fold[2])) self.rgrid[0] = self.grid[0]//fold[0] self.rgrid[1] = self.grid[1]//fold[1] self.rgrid[2] = self.grid[2]//fold[2] # read in the top bits -- don't change for now for _lineno in range(self.natoms+6): self.header_block.append(cube_temp.readline()) self.header_block[3:6] = [ "%6i" % (self.rgrid[0]) + self.header_block[3][6:], "%6i" % (self.rgrid[1]) + self.header_block[4][6:], "%6i" % (self.rgrid[2]) + self.header_block[5][6:]] self.cell = np.array( [[float(x) for x in self.header_block[3].split()[1:]], [float(x) for x in self.header_block[4].split()[1:]], [float(x) for x in self.header_block[5].split()[1:]]])*0.529177249 if trim_atoms: self.header_block = extract_atoms(self.header_block, fold) self.natoms = len(self.header_block) - 6 elif crop_atoms: self.header_block = in_cell(self.header_block, self.rgrid, self.cell) self.natoms = len(self.header_block) - 6 # Fromfile might be slower and can't deal with zipped files, # but uses less memory data_start_pos = cube_temp.tell() localdata = zeros([] + self.rgrid) stacked_data = True try: cube_data = np.fromstring(, sep=' ').reshape(self.grid) except MemoryError: try: cube_data = np.fromfile(cube_temp, sep=' ').reshape(self.grid) except MemoryError: # Read line by line directly into folded grid, # slowest but with least memory stacked_data = False localdata = zeros(self.rgrid) xidx, yidx, zidx = 0, 0, 0 for line in cube_temp: for point in line.split(): point = float(point) localdata[xidx % self.rgrid[0], yidx % self.rgrid[1], zidx % self.rgrid[2]] += point zidx += 1 if zidx == self.grid[2]: zidx = 0 yidx += 1 if yidx == self.grid[1]: yidx = 0 xidx += 1 cube_temp.close() if stacked_data: for xidx in range(fold[0]): for yidx in range(fold[1]): for zidx in range(fold[2]): grid_idx = zidx+yidx*fold[2]+xidx*fold[2]*fold[1] localdata[grid_idx] = cube_data[ (xidx*self.grid[0])//fold[0]:((xidx+1)*self.grid[0])//fold[0], (yidx*self.grid[1])//fold[1]:((yidx+1)*self.grid[1])//fold[1], (zidx*self.grid[2])//fold[2]:((zidx+1)*self.grid[2])//fold[2]] del cube_data self.datapoints = np.mean(localdata, axis=0) stdev = np.std(localdata, axis=0) self.error = ((np.sum(stdev)/np.sum(self.datapoints))/ np.flatnonzero(self.datapoints).size) info("Estimated error in cube file: %g" % self.error) else: self.datapoints = localdata/float(fold[0]*fold[1]*fold[2])
[docs] def write_cube(self, outname=None): """Write out the data, already folded""" if outname is None: outname = self.folded_name outfile = open(outname, "w") outfile.writelines(self.header_block) for xidx in range(self.rgrid[0]): for yidx in range(self.rgrid[1]): for zidx in range(self.rgrid[2]): outfile.write("%13.5E" % self.datapoints[xidx, yidx, zidx]) if zidx % 6 == 5: outfile.write("\n") outfile.write("\n") outfile.flush() outfile.close()
[docs] def write_generic(self, data, outname): """Write data to a Gaussian '.cube' file.""" outfile = open(outname, "w") outfile.writelines(self.header_block) for xidx in range(self.rgrid[0]): for yidx in range(self.rgrid[1]): for zidx in range(self.rgrid[2]): outfile.write("%13.5E" % data[xidx, yidx, zidx]) if zidx % 6 == 5: outfile.write("\n") outfile.write("\n") outfile.flush() outfile.close()
[docs] def maxima(self, sigma=2.0, radius=0.31, cutoff=0.0, write=False): """ Smooth with gaussian blur then use the spacing to determine nearest neighbours to estimate positions of maxima. Return the cartesian positions of maxima in a tuple with their magnitudes from the smoothed data. """ try: from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter, maximum_filter from scipy.ndimage.filters import median_filter from scipy.ndimage.morphology import generate_binary_structure from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_erosion from scipy.ndimage.morphology import iterate_structure except ImportError: error("Scipy not found, skipping maxima finding") return [] temp_data = self.datapoints normalising_sum = sum(temp_data) spacing = norm(self.cell[0]) debug("Spacing: %f" % spacing) # Median filter removed as testing showed it didn't do much #temp_data = median_filter(temp_data, 4, mode='wrap') # Gaussian filter smoothes out the data # Visual inspection suggests sqrt(2/spacing) sigma = (sigma/spacing)**0.5 info("Smoothing probability with sigma: %f" % sigma) temp_data = gaussian_filter(temp_data, sigma, mode="wrap") # Renormalise to pre-filtered values temp_data *= normalising_sum/sum(temp_data) if write: self.write_cube(self.smoothed_name) # define a connectivity neighborhood neighborhood = generate_binary_structure(np.ndim(temp_data), 2) # expand it to a neighbourhood of ~0.3 A footprint = int(round(radius/spacing, 0)) info("Finding maxima within a radius of %r grid points" % footprint) neighborhood = iterate_structure(neighborhood, footprint) #apply the local maximum filter; all pixel of maximal value #in their neighborhood are set to 1 local_max = maximum_filter(temp_data, footprint=neighborhood, mode='wrap') == temp_data #local_max is a mask that contains the peaks we are #looking for, but also the background. #In order to isolate the peaks we must remove the background from the mask. #we create the mask of the background background = (temp_data == 0) #a little technicality: we must erode the background in order to #successfully subtract it form local_max, otherwise a line will #appear along the background border (artifact of the local maximum filter) eroded_background = binary_erosion(background, structure=neighborhood, border_value=1) #we obtain the final mask, containing only peaks, #by removing the background from the local_max mask detected_peaks = local_max - eroded_background cell = np.array( [[float(x) for x in self.header_block[3].split()[1:]], [float(x) for x in self.header_block[4].split()[1:]], [float(x) for x in self.header_block[5].split()[1:]]])*0.529177249 peaks = np.where(detected_peaks) cartesian_peaks = [] for point in zip(peaks[0], peaks[1], peaks[2]): # Some random peaks with no magnitude were showing up at the PBCs if temp_data[point] > 0.0: cartesian_peaks.append((, cell).tolist(), temp_data[point])) pruned_peaks = [] previous_value = 0.0 maximum_value = max([peak[1] for peak in cartesian_peaks]) # We can cut out the tail end of points where there is a sharp drop for point in sorted(cartesian_peaks, key=lambda k: -k[1]): # All of the points with 0 should be removed already if previous_value/point[1] < 4 and point[1] > cutoff*maximum_value: previous_value = point[1] pruned_peaks.append(point) else: break return pruned_peaks
@property def folded_name(self): """File name with _folded inserted for output.""" if ".cube" in self.filename: return self.filename.replace(".cube", "_folded.cube") else: return self.filename + "_folded.cube" @property def smoothed_name(self): """File name with _smooth inserted for output.""" if ".cube" in self.filename: return self.filename.replace(".cube", "_smooth.cube") else: return self.filename + "_smooth.cube" @property def error_name(self): """File name with _folded inserted for output.""" if ".cube" in self.filename: return self.filename.replace(".cube", "_error.cube") else: return self.filename + "_error.cube"
[docs]def in_cell(header_block, grid, cell): """Cut any atoms that are not in the box from the header block""" rcell = matrix(cell).I newlines = [] for line in header_block[6:]: cpos = [float(x) for x in line.split()[2:]] fpos = array(cpos*rcell)[0] if (fpos[0] < grid[0]) and (fpos[1] < grid[1]) and (fpos[2] < grid[2]): newlines.append(line) header_block[2] = "%6i" % (len(newlines)) + header_block[2][6:] return header_block[:6] + newlines
[docs]def extract_atoms(header_block, fold): """ Trim the atoms to just the first block. Assumes that subcell are in sequential blocks. """ repeats = fold[0]*fold[1]*fold[2] oldatoms = header_block[6:] newatoms = oldatoms[:len(oldatoms)//repeats] header_block[2] = "%6i" % (len(newatoms)) + header_block[2][6:] return header_block[:6] + newatoms
[docs]def compressed_open(filename): """Return file objects for either compressed and uncompressed files""" filenames = glob(filename) + glob(filename+".gz") + glob(filename+".bz2") try: filename = filenames[0] except IndexError: raise IOError("File not found: %s" % filename) if filename[-4:] == ".bz2": return bz2.BZ2File(filename) elif filename[-3:] == ".gz": return else: return open(filename, "r")