Source code for config

#!/usr/bin/env python

configuration for faps

Provides the Options class that will transparently handle the different option
sources through the .get() method. Pulls in defaults, site and job options plus
command line customisation. Instantiating Options will set up the logging for
the particular job.


__all__ = ['Options']

# Python 3 fix
    import configparser
except ImportError:
    import ConfigParser as configparser
import copy
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import textwrap
# Python 3 fix
    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO
from optparse import OptionParser
from logging import debug, error, info

import __main__

[docs]class Options(object): """ Transparent options handling. A single unified way of dealing with input files and command line options delivering sensible defaults for unspecified values. Access options with the .get() method, or the method that specifies the expected type. It is recommended to replace with a new instance each time the script is run, otherwise commandline options or changed input files will not be picked up. """ def __init__(self, job_name=None): """Initialize options from all .ini files and the commandline.""" # use .get{type}() to read attributes, only access args directly self.job_dir = '' self.script_dir = '' self.job_name = job_name self.args = [] self.options = {} self.cmdopts = {} self._used_options = set() self.defaults = configparser.SafeConfigParser() self.site_ini = configparser.SafeConfigParser() self.job_ini = configparser.SafeConfigParser() # populate options self._init_paths() self.commandline() self._init_logging() self.load_defaults() self.load_site_defaults() self.load_job_defaults() if self.options.job_type: self.job_type_ini = configparser.SafeConfigParser() self.load_job_type(self.options.job_type) else: self.job_type_ini = NullConfigParser()
[docs] def get(self, item): """Map values from different sources based on priorities.""" # report default options differently option_source = 'D' if item in self.__dict__: # Instance attributes, such as job_name and job_dir debug("an attribute: %s" % item) option_source = 'A' value = object.__getattribute__(self, item) elif self.options.__dict__.get(item) is not None: # Commandline options from optparse where option is set debug("an option: %s" % item) option_source = 'C' value = self.options.__dict__[item] elif item in self.cmdopts: # Commandline -o custom key=value options debug("a custom -o option: %s" % item) option_source = 'O' value = self.cmdopts[item] elif self.job_ini.has_option('job_config', item): # jobname.fap per-job setings debug("a job option: %s" % item) option_source = 'F' value = self.job_ini.get('job_config', item) elif self.job_type_ini.has_option('job_type', item): debug("a job_type option: %s" % item) option_source = 'J' value = self.job_type_ini.get('job_type', item) elif self.site_ini.has_option('site_config', item): debug("a site option: %s" % item) value = self.site_ini.get('site_config', item) elif self.defaults.has_option('defaults', item): debug("a default: %s" % item) value = self.defaults.get('defaults', item) else: # Most things have a default, but not always. Error properly. debug("unspecified option: %s" % item) raise AttributeError(item) # Show what options are used the first time they are accessed # for the traceability if item not in self._used_options: if option_source == 'D': debug("Default: %s = %s" % (item, value)) else: info("Option (%s): %s = %s" % (option_source, item, value)) self._used_options.add(item) # we output the raw value here and pass to caller for return value
[docs] def getbool(self, item): """ Parse option and if the value of item is not already a bool return True for "1", "yes", "true" and "on" and False for "0", "no", "false" and "off". Case-insensitive. """ value = self.get(item) if isinstance(value, bool): return value # Can't use isinstance with basestring to be 2.x and 3.x compatible # fudge it by assuming strings can be lowered elif hasattr(value, 'lower'): if value.lower() in ["1", "yes", "true", "on"]: return True elif value.lower() in ["0", "no", "false", "off"]: return False else: # Not a valid bool raise ValueError(value) else: return bool(item)
[docs] def getint(self, item): """Return item's value as an integer.""" value = self.get(item) return int(value)
[docs] def getfloat(self, item): """Return item's value as a float.""" value = self.get(item) return float(value)
[docs] def gettuple(self, item, dtype=None): """Return item's value interpreted as a tuple of 'dtype' [strings].""" value = self.get(item) # Regex strips bracketing so can't nest, but safer than eval value = [x for x in re.split('[\s,\(\)\[\]]*', value) if x] if dtype is not None: return tuple([dtype(x) for x in value]) else: return tuple(value)
def _init_paths(self): """Find the script directory and set up working directory""" # Where the script is has the config defaults. if __name__ != '__main__': self.script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) else: self.script_dir = os.path.abspath(sys.path[0]) # Where we run the job. self.job_dir = os.getcwd() def _init_logging(self): """ Setup the logging to terminal and .flog file, with levels as required. Must run before any logging calls so we need to access attributes rather than using self.get()! """ # Quiet always overrides verbose; always at least INFO in .flog if self.options.silent: stdout_level = logging.CRITICAL file_level = logging.INFO elif self.options.quiet: stdout_level = logging.ERROR file_level = logging.INFO elif self.options.verbose: stdout_level = logging.DEBUG file_level = logging.DEBUG else: stdout_level = logging.INFO file_level = logging.INFO # Easier to do simple file configuration then add the stdout logging.basicConfig(level=file_level, format='[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S', filename=self.job_name + '.flog', filemode='a') # Make these uniform widths logging.addLevelName(10, '--') logging.addLevelName(20, '>>') logging.addLevelName(30, '**') logging.addLevelName(40, '!!') logging.addLevelName(50, 'XX') if self.options.plain: console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) else: # Use nice coloured console output console = ColouredConsoleHandler(sys.stdout) console.setLevel(stdout_level) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s %(message)s') console.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handler to the root logger logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console)
[docs] def commandline(self): """Specified options, highest priority.""" usage = "usage: %prog [options] [COMMAND] JOB_NAME" # use description for the script, not for this module parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%prog 0.1", description=__main__.__doc__) parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", help="output extra debugging information") parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", help="only output warnings and errors") parser.add_option("-s", "--silent", action="store_true", dest="silent", help="no terminal output") parser.add_option("-p", "--plain", action="store_true", dest="plain", help="do not colourise or wrap output") parser.add_option("-o", "--option", action="append", dest="cmdopts", help="set custom options as key=value pairs") parser.add_option("-i", "--interactive", action="store_true", dest="interactive", help="enter interactive mode") parser.add_option("-m", "--import", action="store_true", dest="import", help="try and import old data") parser.add_option("-n", "--no-submit", action="store_true", dest="no_submit", help="create input files only, do not run any jobs") parser.add_option("-j", "--job-type", dest="job_type", help="user preconfigured job settings") parser.add_option("-d", "--daemon", action="store_true", dest="daemon", help="run [lube] as a server and await input") (local_options, local_args) = parser.parse_args() # job_name may or may not be passed or set initially if self.job_name: if self.job_name in local_args: local_args.remove(self.job_name) elif len(local_args) == 0: parser.error("No arguments given (try %prog --help)") else: # Take the last argument as the job name self.job_name = local_args.pop() # key value options from the command line if local_options.cmdopts is not None: for pair in local_options.cmdopts: if '=' in pair: pair = pair.split('=', 1) # maximum of one split self.cmdopts[pair[0]] = pair[1] else: self.cmdopts[pair] = True self.options = local_options # Args are only the COMMANDS for the run self.args = [arg.lower() for arg in local_args]
[docs] def load_defaults(self): """Load program defaults.""" # ConfigParser requires header sections so we add them to a StringIO # of the file if they are missing. 2to3 should also deal with the # renamed modules. default_ini_path = os.path.join(self.script_dir, 'defaults.ini') try: filetemp = open(default_ini_path, 'r') default_ini = filetemp.close() if not '[defaults]' in default_ini.lower(): default_ini = '[defaults]\n' + default_ini default_ini = StringIO(default_ini) except IOError: # file does not exist so we just use a blank string debug('Default options not found! Something is very wrong.') default_ini = StringIO('[defaults]\n') self.defaults.readfp(default_ini)
[docs] def load_site_defaults(self): """Find where the script is and load defaults""" site_ini_path = os.path.join(self.script_dir, 'site.ini') try: filetemp = open(site_ini_path, 'r') site_ini = filetemp.close() if not '[site_config]' in site_ini.lower(): site_ini = '[site_config]\n' + site_ini site_ini = StringIO(site_ini) except IOError: # file does not exist so we just use a blank string debug("No site options found; using defaults") site_ini = StringIO('[site_config]\n') self.site_ini.readfp(site_ini)
[docs] def load_job_defaults(self): """Find where the job is running and load defaults""" job_ini_path = os.path.join(self.job_dir, self.job_name + '.fap') try: filetemp = open(job_ini_path, 'r') job_ini = filetemp.close() if not '[job_config]' in job_ini.lower(): job_ini = '[job_config]\n' + job_ini job_ini = StringIO(job_ini) debug("Job options read from %s" % job_ini_path) except IOError: # file does not exist so we just use a blank string debug("No job options found; using defaults") job_ini = StringIO('[job_config]\n') self.job_ini.readfp(job_ini)
[docs] def load_job_type(self, job_type): """Find where the job is running and load defaults""" home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') job_type_ini_path = os.path.join(home_dir, '.faps', job_type + '.fap') try: filetemp = open(job_type_ini_path, 'r') job_type_ini = filetemp.close() if not '[job_type]' in job_type_ini.lower(): job_type_ini = '[job_type]\n' + job_type_ini job_type_ini = StringIO(job_type_ini) debug("Job type options read from %s" % job_type_ini_path) except IOError: # file does not exist so we just use a blank string error("Job type '%s' specified but options file '%s' not found" % (job_type, job_type_ini_path)) job_type_ini = StringIO('[job_config]\n') self.job_type_ini.readfp(job_type_ini)
def options_test(): """Try and read a few options from different sources.""" testopts = Options() print(testopts.get('job_name')) print(testopts.get('cmdopts')) print(testopts.get('args')) print(testopts.get('verbose')) print(testopts.get('script_dir')) print(testopts.getbool('interactive')) for arg in testopts.get('args'): print('%s: %s' % (arg, testopts.get(arg))) try: print(testopts.getbool(arg)) except ValueError: print('%s is not a bool' % arg) try: print(testopts.getint(arg)) except ValueError: print('%s is not an int' % arg) try: print(testopts.getfloat(arg)) except ValueError: print('%s is not a float' % arg) try: print(testopts.gettuple(arg)) except ValueError: print('%s is not a tuple' % arg) print(testopts.get('not an option')) class ColouredConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): """Makes colourised and wrapped output for the console.""" def emit(self, record): """Colourise and emit a record.""" # Need to make a actual copy of the record # to prevent altering the message for other loggers myrecord = copy.copy(record) levelno = myrecord.levelno if levelno >= 50: # CRITICAL / FATAL front = '\033[30;41m' # black/red elif levelno >= 40: # ERROR front = '\033[30;41m' # black/red elif levelno >= 30: # WARNING front = '\033[30;43m' # black/yellow elif levelno >= 20: # INFO front = '\033[30;42m' # black/green elif levelno >= 10: # DEBUG front = '\033[30;46m' # black/cyan else: # NOTSET and anything else front = '\033[0m' # normal myrecord.levelname = '%s%s\033[0m' % (front, myrecord.levelname) logging.StreamHandler.emit(self, myrecord) class NullConfigParser(object): """Use in place of a blank ConfigParser that has no options.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """This is empty, so do nothing.""" pass def has_option(*args, **kwargs): """Always return Fasle as there are no options.""" return False if __name__ == '__main__': options_test()