Source code for backend.sql

#!/usr/bin/env python

Sqlite backend to save generated structures in a database.


import hashlib
from logging import info, error, debug

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, Float, String, Text, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, relationship
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

# Status codes for if structures are being calculated
NEW = 0

Base = declarative_base()

# A secondary table is needed to link the structures to functionalisation sets
sym_associations = Table('sym_associations',
                         Column('sym_functionalised_structure_id', Integer,
                         Column('functionalisation_id', Integer,

# keep track of which freeform structures have which groups
freeform_groups = Table('free_associations',
                         Column('free_functionalised_structure_id', Integer,
                         Column('functional_group_id', String,

# Define models as in the SQLAlchemy tutorial

[docs]class SymFunctionalisedStructure(Base): """ SQLAlchemy model for structures that have been derived with the symmetry of the base structure. Each .base_structure .name (or .fullname) should be the same structure. """ __tablename__ = 'sym_functionalised_structures' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) base_structure = Column(String) cif_file = Column(Text) status = Column(Integer) # Many to many with bidirectional realtionship functionalisations = relationship('Functionalisation', secondary=sym_associations, backref='sym_functionalised_structures') # with the functionalisations relationships we can recreate name: # ".".join(["%s@%s" % (func.functional_group_id, # for func in self.functionalisations])) def __init__(self, base_structure, name, cif_file): self.base_structure = base_structure = name self.cif_file = cif_file self.status = NEW def __repr__(self): return "<SymFunctionalisedStructure('[%s]')>" % (self.fullname) @property def fullname(self): """Return the unique composite name""" return "%s_func_%s" % (self.base_structure,
# Functional groups are enumerated separately from the name as the count will # be variable by mof and functionalisation.
[docs]class FunctionalGroup(Base): """Essentially the names and identifiers of available groups""" __tablename__ = 'functional_groups' # Each identifier should be a unique string. id = Column(String, primary_key=True, unique=True) name = Column(String) # The functionalisations should be able to trace back to these functionalisations = relationship("Functionalisation", backref='functional_groups') def __init__(self, id, name): = id = name def __repr__(self): return "<FunctionalGroup('%s','%s')>" % (,
[docs]class Functionalisation(Base): """ Pairs of functional groups and attachment sites. Note that sites with the same name will have no relationship between structures. """ __tablename__ = 'functionalisations' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) site = Column(String) functional_group_id = Column(String, ForeignKey('')) def __init__(self, functional_group_id, site): self.functional_group_id = functional_group_id = site def __repr__(self): return ("<Functionalisation('%s','%s')>" % (self.functional_group_id, def __str__(self): return "%s@%s" % (self.functional_group_id,
# These are not constrained by the symmetry; can be defined by just a string
[docs]class FreeFunctionalisedStructure(Base): """ SQLAlchemy model for structures that have freeform functionalisation over all the sites of the base structure. Each .base_structure .name (or .fullname) should be the same structure but rotations may change each generation. """ __tablename__ = 'free_functionalised_structures' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) base_structure = Column(String) cif_file = Column(Text) status = Column(Integer) functional_groups = relationship('FunctionalGroup', secondary=freeform_groups, backref='free_functionalised_structures') def __init__(self, base_structure, name, cif_file): self.base_structure = base_structure = name.strip("{}") self.cif_file = cif_file self.status = NEW def __repr__(self): return "<FreeFunctionalisedStructure('{%s}')>" % ( @property def unique_name(self): """Return the unique composite name""" func_repr =".") unique_name = hashlib.md5(str(func_repr)).hexdigest() return "%s_free_%s" % (self.base_structure, unique_name)
# Objects to interact with the database in a pluggable way; methods # can hide the add or create and cacheing
[docs]class AlchemyBackend(object): """Abstraction for fapswitch+sql interface.""" def __init__(self, db_name): # TODO(tdaff): database is just sqlite the base name for now # Eventually this will all be moresql self.engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%s.db' % db_name) #, echo=True) # Always create the tables as we often start from a bare structure Base.metadata.create_all(self.engine) # Bind a session instance to the instance -- easier to query itself Session = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine) # Might need autoflush/commit self.session = Session()
[docs] def populate_groups(self, groups): """Initialise or update the available groups table from the library.""" session_groups = [ for group in self.session.query(FunctionalGroup)] # Assume we just get passed the dict for group in groups: if not group in session_groups: self.session.add(FunctionalGroup(group, groups[group].name)) self.session.commit() self.groups = self.session.query(FunctionalGroup)
[docs] def add_symmetry_structure(self, base_structure, functions, cif_file): """ Insert a structure with symmetry based functionalisation into the database. Will try not to duplicate the "group@site" association designations. """ existing_func = self.session.query(Functionalisation) new_mof_name = ".".join(["@".join(x) for x in functions]) cif_file = "".join(cif_file) # Get an exisiting vesion of the structure if it exists structure = self.session.query(SymFunctionalisedStructure).\ filter(SymFunctionalisedStructure.base_structure == base_structure).\ filter( == new_mof_name).\ first() if structure is None: # Not in the database so initialise the structure and then add in # the functionalisations structure = SymFunctionalisedStructure(base_structure, new_mof_name, cif_file) for group, site in functions: # Query for one if it is already stored functionalisation = existing_func.\ filter( == site).\ filter(Functionalisation.functional_group_id == group).\ first() if functionalisation is None: # Create it functionalisation = Functionalisation(group, site) self.session.add(functionalisation) # The relationship keeps track of the list structure.functionalisations.append(functionalisation) self.session.add(structure) # New structure inserted else: structure.cif_file = cif_file self.session.commit()
[docs] def add_freeform_structure(self, base_structure, functions, cif_file): """ Insert a structure with freeform functionalisation into the database. Will try to associate all the different functional groups contained. """ new_mof_name = ".".join(functions) cif_file = "".join(cif_file) # Get an exisiting vesion of the structure if it exists structure = self.session.query(FreeFunctionalisedStructure).\ filter(FreeFunctionalisedStructure.base_structure == base_structure).\ filter( == new_mof_name).\ first() if structure is None: # Not in the database so initialise the structure and then add in # the functionalisations structure = FreeFunctionalisedStructure(base_structure, new_mof_name, cif_file) for unique_group in set(functions): group = self.groups.filter( == unique_group).first() structure.functional_groups.append(group) self.session.add(structure) # New structure inserted else: structure.cif_file = cif_file self.session.commit()
[docs] def start_cif(self, structure_type, structure_id): """ Return the cif file for the given structure and mark it as started in the database. """ # bind the name as the extraction should be the same if structure_type == 'sym': debug("Looking for symmetry functionalised structure") Structure = SymFunctionalisedStructure elif structure_type == 'free': debug("Looking for free functionalised structure") Structure = FreeFunctionalisedStructure else: error("Unknown structure type %s" % structure_type) return None structure = self.session.query(Structure).\ filter( == structure_id).first() if structure is None: error("ID %i not found in database" % structure_id) return None else: # Mark it as started and send back the cif debug("Found structure %i" % structure_id) structure.status = STARTED self.session.commit() # TODO(tdaff): sqlite always returns a unicode object # test that this doesn't break across versions return structure.cif_file.encode('UTF-8')
[docs] def store_results(self, structure_type, structure_id, structure): """ Save the uptake data in an appropriate table. Will create tables if they do not exist. """ # TODO(tdaff): more complete database to come if len(structure.guests) != 1: error("Database only deals with single guests at the moment") return # Just bind the guest we use (since there is only one here) guest = structure.guests[0] class GuestUptake(Base): """ Guest uptake container, generated on the fly depending on guest and structure. """ __tablename__ = '%s_%s_uptake' % (structure_type, guest.ident) # store all variations (necessary?) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) temperature = Column(Float) pressure = Column(Float) raw = Column(Float) raw_stdev = Column(Float) raw_supercell = Column(Integer) moluc = Column(Float) moluc_stdev = Column(Float) mmolg = Column(Float) mmolg_stdev = Column(Float) volvol = Column(Float) volvol_stdev = Column(Float) wtpc = Column(Float) wtpc_stdev = Column(Float) hoa = Column(Float) hoa_stdev = Column(Float) structure_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('' % structure_type)) # create table for GuestUptake if doesn't already exist Base.metadata.create_all(self.engine) # Insert all the tp_points for the guest for tp_point in sorted(guest.uptake): # Instance row for each state point db_uptake = GuestUptake() db_uptake.structure_id = structure_id # Set the state point db_uptake.temperature = tp_point[0] db_uptake.pressure = tp_point[1][0] # guest idx is 0 for one guest # keep the raw values just here # <N>, sd, supercell uptake = guest.uptake[tp_point] db_uptake.raw = uptake[0] db_uptake.raw_stdev = uptake[1] db_uptake.raw_supercell = uptake[2] # calculated values # normalise to unit cell uptake, stdev = (uptake[0]/uptake[2], uptake[1]/uptake[2]) # molecules per unit cell db_uptake.moluc = uptake db_uptake.moluc_stdev = stdev # uptake in mmol/g db_uptake.mmolg = 1000*uptake/structure.weight db_uptake.mmolg_stdev = 1000*stdev/structure.weight # volumetric uptake db_uptake.volvol = (guest.molar_volume*uptake/(6.023E-4*structure.volume)) db_uptake.volvol_stdev = (guest.molar_volume*stdev/(6.023E-4*structure.volume)) # weight percent uptake db_uptake.wtpc = 100*(1 - structure.weight/(structure.weight + uptake*guest.weight)) db_uptake.wtpc_stdev = 100*(1 - structure.weight/(structure.weight + stdev*guest.weight)) # heat of adsorption hoa = guest.hoa[tp_point] db_uptake.hoa = hoa[0] db_uptake.hoa_stdev = hoa[1] # make sure to .commit() later self.session.add(db_uptake) # Tell the database the calculation is finished # bind the name as the extraction should be the same if structure_type == 'sym': Structure = SymFunctionalisedStructure elif structure_type == 'free': Structure = FreeFunctionalisedStructure else: error("Unknown structure type %s" % structure_type) return None structure = self.session.query(Structure).\ filter( == structure_id).first() if structure is None: error("ID %i not found in database" % structure_id) return None else: # Mark it as started and send back the cif debug("Set structure %i as finished in database" % structure_id) structure.status = FINISHED # finish up and save self.session.commit()